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7 Ways to High ROI with Industrial Vending: #6 Purchasing Cost

industrial vending machines

When your employees are on the clock, are they being productive right off the bat? If the answer is no, you are likely losing an hour of productivity a day from each of your employees.  In North America, it is estimated to take an average of 15 minutes for an employee to travel from his work center to the tool crib or stores area, stand in line, request his items and then return to his work center. If you need…

COPSTOP: Solving Law Enforcement’s TOP Issues

Misplaced or lost weapons, unaccounted for units, and other equipment are an unfortunate reality for today’s law enforcement agencies. Manual and honor based check-in check-out systems increase liability and reduce accountability for law enforcement agencies. SCANDAL In most departments, sergeants are responsible for tight control of equipment storage rooms. Sergeants have many duties, so keys to the equipment room are often delegated to a cadet, to another officer, or the room is left unlocked. Officers are typically disciplined individuals; however,…

3 Most Frustrating Gauge Management Situations & Solutions

Gauge management is essential in any manufacturing setting, but tracking down gauges is extremely difficult if you don’t have a strong gauge management system. Manual systems are used in most companies in the manufacturing industry and those same companies experience these challenges daily. Partial Information No matter how hard you try, it is difficult to get everyone to complete the check-in/check-out sheet and even if you do, it is often missing information. Manual systems may work in the beginning, but…

No Phones Allowed!

There are a number of places where phones are strictly prohibited, including military facilities, intelligence centers, research and development facilities, data centers, and other locations that require a high level of security. Why aren’t phones allowed? Data Centers – These facilities are expansive data repositories that take data security very seriously. Data Centers must eliminate all possible threats, including theft of data, and malicious injection of viruses, worms, and other malware that render information systems inoperable. As our society becomes…

The High Cost of Cheap Inventory Vending Machines

The market is being flooded with cheap vending machines with limited capabilities and no upgrade path. Leading buyers that are unfamiliar with industrial vending solutions and mexican insurance companies to believe that all of their inventory management problems will be solved with low-end machines and basic software. Yes, the pricing may be enticing, but what are the real costs of owning a low-end helix machine? Operating a vending machine, or a network of vending machines, has become one of the…

Bad Habits in the Workplace

Bad Habits in the Workplace From hoarding items to socializing on the clock, certain activities have a nasty habit of interrupting productivity and, therefore, costing your company more money. Hoarding If your employees don’t trust your inventory control system, they will start to fear that certain items will run out of stock. It doesn’t take a keen Production Manager to see how this fear leads to employees stashing tools and supplies ‘just in case’ to insure they can do their…