The Leading Provider of Inventory Management Systems to the Aerospace Industry
In order to ensure safe operation of aircraft, the aerospace industry requires the tightest tolerances in manufacturing and maintenance, as well as strict lot control. In particular, Foreign Object Debris (FOD) is an issue that costs the aerospace industry billions of dollars per year…

Innovative Inventory Tracking Solutions for the Construction Industry
AutoCrib® solutions for the construction industry help increase profitability by driving productivity up and costs down. Having the right item or tool at the job when needed, prevents time-wasting trips to the warehouse or to the hardware store to buy the needed items at a higher cost…

Industrial Vending Solutions that Maximize Productivity in the Oil & Gas Industry
In the oil and gas industry, keeping product flowing is your top priority. Having the equipment and materials you need close at hand when making repairs or enhancing systems is critical to maximizing productivity. The delay associated with employees traveling long distances to get item results in costly downtime.…

Inventory Management Solutions for Safety Gear and Supplies Across All Industries
Employee safety and OSHA compliance requirements associated with it are major concerns for companies in all industries. No organization wants to be involved in a million dollar lawsuit because an employee was unable to obtain a $2 pair of safety glasses. AutoCrib® industrial vending systems address these type of issues in multiple ways…

Trusted to Meet the Inventory Control Needs of Many U.S. Government and Military Entities
AutoCrib® is proud to provide industrial vending solutions to many U.S. government agencies and military branches, and the organizations that serve them. These entities have very high standards and specific requirements for the management of their tools, MRO supplies, and assets…

Industrial Vending Delivering Increased Profitability for Precision Machining Operations
For machinists, the timely availability of specific tools, MRO and PPE supplies is key to higher productivity and lower scrap rates. The AutoCrib® product line includes many point-of-use solutions that give employees immediate access to assets but with authentication that drives home the idea of accountability…

A Comprehensive Suite of Inventory Management Solutions for the Manufacturing Sector
Companies involved in manufacturing need powerful, accurate, flexible solutions to help them with inventory planning and consigned inventory management. In an industry that looks to produce high run rates and low scrap rates through the use of robotics, AutoCrib® systems can make it easier to maintain these expensive machines…

Efficiency-Boosting Asset Management Solutions for the Transportation & Automotive Industry
For companies in the transportation and automotive space, productivity and profitability are closely linked. To be competitive, you need employees to have immediate access to tools, spare parts, and other MRO supplies. In addition, decision makers must have immediate access to data on how those items are being used…